Biology Study Questions

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If you need chapter outlines for Mr. Lai's assignments, here's a link to his website:


This is a guide for studying Biology 110. It should provide a good reference of things students are expected to know for Biology 110. It is suggested that this be used as a supplement to the lecture notes and the textbook. It is not intended to be a substitute for either the text or lecture notes.


This is a guide prepared to help students study for examinations in the Biology 110 course. It should provide a good check of the facts students are expected to learn. It is meant to be comprehensive but not meant to be a substitute for either the book or notes from class. Students should use this study guide in conjunction with the textbook, laboratory manual, outside assignments made by the instructor, plus lecture and laboratory class notes. This guide will cover the majority of the information that students need to learn in order to pass the course with a grade of "C" or above. However, there is no way short of memorization, that students can expect to master the material. Rehearsal, by going over the facts again and again, is the best way to prepare for any examination.

The Guide is broken down into the Chapter headings of the Textbook, Starr and Taggart, Essentials of Biology, 9th edition.

Remember.  This site contains study questions, not answers!
If you want to know more about the guide above, you can visit:
The chronological order (by chapters) of the questions given in each link are very similar to lesson orders of the Holt, Rinehart and Winston's Biology textbook.

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