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Tag any message you want in the indicated area below.  There's no limit to the number of your posts.

Above the 'insert name' thing, there is a link that says [Get a chatbox].  If you know how I can delete it, please tell me.  The <a></a> and <script></script> things are not in the box's code.  If I am looking for the wrong tags, correct me.
    1. Enter a name into the first box below the posts.
    2. Enter your message in the next box.
    3. Click "GO."

That's all there is to it!

Not enough room here?  Try C-box Page 2!

Make this page a seperate page.  Then you can browse my site while watching the TAG BOX  for new text.
Above the 'GO' button under the posts, there is 'refresh.'  When you and other visitors are chatting alternately, click the that button to view their post.
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